Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Fried Rice -Laura Style

Okay, cooking is one of the many topics we will be blogging about.  The Lincoln Ladies typically dine on such delicacies as chips and cheese, grilled cheese, and mac and cheese, but once in a while we branch out and try new things.  For example, fried rice.  Here is the way I made it...

4 cups cooked rice (2 uncooked)
3 carrots
6ish (one bundle from the store) green onions
10ish (one package from the store) mushrooms
a bunch of soy sauce (or however much you want)
1 clove garlic
a couple eggs (optional)

I cooked the rice in my Rice Cooker while I sauted the chopped veggies in oil and garlic until tender.  When the rice was done I put it in a large skillet (wok) with the veggies.  I then added several tablespoons of soy sauce even though other recipes told me one would suffice.  I like my way better.  I then scrambled a couple eggs in the same pan and mixed them right it.  It was awesome.  It totally tasted like fried rice.  Kathy and Gwen can concur.

1 comment:

  1. I do not approve of the mushrooms or carrots, but I enjoy everything else about this post. That spoon is pretty great.
