I then presented my related problem. A side effect of not going out to eat as often has been my desire to make those purchased meals really, really worthwhile. This was augmented by Pizza Luce dropping an ad off at our house. It has been sitting on our
I had actually been staring at the Pizza Luce website trying to get up the courage to order when Gwen walked in. "I could order on-line, and they deliver, and it's free delivery, so that's all fine," I began. "I would answer the door for you if you wanted," Gwen offered. "Actually the issue is the tip," I explained, "I only have twenties. And I hate having to physically hand a person their tip in any case, but to have them make change for me and then hand a small portion of that money to them as tip is just too much." She nodded.
Tipping is an extremely uncomfortable situation for me always, even when I get to write a number on a slip of paper that I then tuck upside down inside a bill... folder... padded... thingy. Digital money unseen by any other real people until after I make a hasty retreat from the restaurant makes me break into a panicked sweat. Forget having to look someone
Gwen and I migrated to our adult room and sat at the puzzle table trying to gather the strength to attain the meals we desired. After about five minutes we both gave up and ate left-overs from the fridge.
When I related this story to Erica all she had to say was, "I would have done the same thing. Typical Lincoln House... you should blog about it."
Champions of life.
It is also getting sort of ridiculous that I actively try to blog about something other than food but even our non-recipe ideas are food related. I have tried multiple times to post a Miley music video Lu and I made but I can't figure out how to get videos to work. Sigh.
That is the funniest blog ever. Cracks me up! You guys are so alike. I hear, "I would have to talk to someone" quite often from Laura too. Hilarious! Btw,this is Mary, but I don't know how to change the G-ma thing.......